Family Life

The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where

Who knows where

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

The Hollies

Woy Woy Days

Aged 5 at home in Woy Woy

Brian the Cub Scout. Later a Sea Scout, & a Bronze Medallion Lifesaver.

Aged 6, with 8 days younger cousin Pam. More like twins than cousins.

Brian holding his baby brother Glenn

First caught fish

First photo of Glenn & Brian at the beach


Cousin Pam's wedding day. Eileen (mum), Clare , Barry, Pam, Brian, Glenn

Wedding day of marriage to Clare with Eileen & brother Glenn

Wedding reception with wife Debbie

With Debbie & their children Cassie, & Dylan

Family Gatherings

Sporting an apron that reads 'I'M A VIRGIN', by the bbq with cousin Julie at Eileen's 60th birthday party at cousin Pam & Barry's house.

Birds of a feather, with nephew Ben aka Bennytoomany


With their mum's 'oldest son'. Her ventriloquist doll called 'BOOFHEAD' used performing at the Tivoli in her teens.

Tattoo on Ben's arm produced from a treasured photo Brian has framed of Grandpa as a clown.

Did Someone Say Beer?

A Brian sized thirst at Christmas

T-shirt from Glenn after a trip to Fiji. A traditional gift after Glenn travelled o/s.

A Special Friendship

Their mother described them as chalk & cheese. There is eight years between the brothers and a vast difference in the careers they followed, but Brian & Glenn share a special friendship bonded by family, love, and respect. Enhanced by a shared sense of humour. :)

Relaxing as brothers over a beer

A special photo, playing music together


Cassie, Dylan, & Debbie and children

With Cassie & Grandchildren

With Dylan, Cassie, & Billy

With Cassie